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New research sheds light on the international role of public health in preventing violence

New open access research sheds light on the international role of public health in preventing violence and highlights opportunities for prevention.

Journal article front cover. Journal article title: The role of public health in the primary prevention of interpersonal violence: A systematic review of international frameworks in the Journal of Community Safety and Well-being.

The systematic scoping review, published in the Journal of Community Safety and Wellbeing, was a collaborative research project between two World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centres at Liverpool John Moores University and Public Health Wales, the latter of which is a founding member of the Wales Violence Prevention Unit.

The article explores both the common approaches to violence prevention as well as gaps in evidence and implementation.

Lara Snowdon, Lead Author and Violence Prevention Programme Lead at the WHO Collaborating Centre on Investment for Health and Wellbeing at Public Health Wales and the Wales Violence Prevention Unit, said:

“Understanding the range of violence prevention frameworks that exist internationally was an important part of our development work for the Wales Without Violence Framework. It is fantastic that this research has now been published, and we are able to share it with partners to support an understanding of the role of public health in violence prevention, especially when it comes to primary prevention and early intervention.”

Click here to read the article: The role of public health in the primary prevention of interpersonal violence: A systematic review of international frameworks - World Health Organization Collaborating Centre On Investment for Health and Well-being (external website)