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e-Bulletin April 2022

e-Bulletin April 2022

Our new-look e-Bulletin includes information on our latest three-year funding settlement. It marks the longest funding settlement yet for the Wales Violence Prevention Unit, which up until now has been operating on an annual funding cycle.

We also cover our five key priorities to help us and our partners to achieve our mission of preventing violence in Wales, which are:

  • Coproduction
  • Reducing inequality
  • Engaging with education
  • Partnerships for prevention
  • Evaluating our impact

The e-Bulletin also shares all the latest research and resources on violence prevention. This edition includes the 2021 evaluation report of Violence Reduction Units, and evidence review and mapping exercise of ‘What Works to Prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) at the Community Level’ and the cross-Government Tackling Domestic Abuse Plan.

Read the e-Bulletin here.

Get in touch if you would like to receive a copy of our e-Bulletins in your inbox: phw.violencepreventionunit@wales.nhs.uk