Two members of Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) are seconded full-time to the Wales Violence Prevention Unit as part of our aim to implement a whole system response to violence prevention.
Their work covers a broad range of activity, including an enhanced way of working with 18 – 25-year olds involved in serious violence or involved in offences identified as a precursor to serious violence.
Known as the Enhanced Model of Supervision, this project involves the seconded officers offering Offender Managers within HMPPS additional support on a case by case basis. Examples of the additional support offered include the development of dashboards, which utilise assessments taking in to account adverse childhood experiences and maturity, advice on risk management planning and training which takes in to account unconscious bias and normalisation when working with young adults.
“A shift in focus to more effectively supervise and risk manage individuals who have links to serious violence and organised crime is already underway within HMPPS.
“Our work as members of the Wales Violence Prevention Unit allows us to explore how these approaches can be utilised and streamlined to ensure that resources are most effectively targeting those involved in crimes linked to serious violence.
“Recent data following the implementation of an enhanced way of working demonstrates the dedication and enthusiasm of colleagues across all sectors in ensuring those experiencing or at risk of experiencing serious violence, either as a perpetrator or victim, are given the support and guidance they need.”
James Beazley, Violence Prevention Coordinator, HMPPS
If you would like more information on the enhanced ways of working or any of HMPPS’ work with the Wales Violence Prevention Unit, do not hesitate to get in touch.