The Wales Violence Prevention Unit’s aim is to identify the root causes of violence and provide a coordinated response to preventing violence through early intervention and action.
Together with our partners, we are mapping interventions and specialist services that are currently available in Cardiff and Swansea* to address serious violence and mitigate the risk factors across all ages, for victims as well as perpetrators of violence.
If you are a service provider in Cardiff or Swansea we would be grateful if you could respond to the below questions in relation to any interventions currently being delivered which contribute to preventing serious violence:
1. Name and aim of organisation
2. Relevant point of contact (including email address)
3. Outline of interventions delivered with a focus on serious violence and associated vulnerabilities; including aim of the intervention, activity, target cohort and geographical area covered
4. Funding source and duration of funding
5. Referral criteria and existing referral pathways
6. Existing links to local partnerships
7. Whether the intervention has been evaluated or have an evidence-base (e.g. theory of change/logic model etc).
Please email your responses to Gemma Woolfe, Serious Violence Prevention Co-oridnator, by close of play on Friday 3rd July:
E: gemma.woolfe@south-wales.pnn.police.uk.
Interventions may include activities such as parenting programmes, detached youth work, education and awareness sessions, targeted preventative programmes, activity based sessions, and may fall under one or more of the following categories:
Preventing violence before it occurs
Early identification of individuals ‘at risk’ of becoming involved in serious violence, or intervening earlier after violence has happened to prevent further harm and repeated violence
Intervention for individuals already involved in serious violence, to promote desistance from further offending and a move away from a criminal lifestyle.
* This work will focus on Cardiff and Swansea initially, in response to both being identified as hotspot areas within our recently developed South Wales Serious Youth Violence Strategic Needs Assessment.