Our August e-bulletin focuses on Wales’ preparation for the Serious Violence Duty, and how the Violence Prevention Unit, Wales Safer Communities Network and Welsh Government, alongside the Home Office, can support partners in its implementation.
We also provide an update on the development of the Strategic Framework for Preventing Violence among Children and Young People, and share details of the recent evaluation of our #SafeToSayCampaign.
News, research and resources in this edition include the newly published National Trauma Practice Framework for Wales, developed by the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Support Hub and Traumatic Stress Wales, the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 Statutory Guidance and information on South Wales Fire and Rescue Service’s REFLECT Project.
Get in touch if you would like to receive a copy of our e-Bulletins in your inbox: phw.violencepreventionunit@wales.nhs.uk